Customize Your Platform & Leverage Our Admin Hub

illustration of three people analyzing metrics
Use the HabitNu program with your unique branding to deliver an evidence-based, CDC-Recognized Diabetes Prevention Plan.
illustration of people looking at a platform's features

One Hub, Endless Possibilities

HabitNu’s technology platform is scalable, reliable, and easy to use for participants, coaches, and business partners. Our partners can leverage it from recruitment to claim submission, all with integrated analytics.

Our Platform Customized To Your Program

Use the HabitNu platform to deliver your DPP program using our CDC-recognized curriculum or upload your own to the "Learn" module.  Uploaded content can consist of videos, PDFs, or links.

Two iphones showing mockups of the HabitNu app, one in light mode and one in dark mode.
A smiling woman enjoying an outdoor workout at a park.

See Lasting Change

HabitNu’s evidence-based, CDC-recognized, behavioral counseling weight loss and chronic disease prevention program delivers proven results.

Ready To Work With HabitNu?

trinity health logo
“Working with the CDC and our network of partners will accelerate the work Trinity Health does with diabetes prevention, this program will help integrate social and clinical care while promoting optimal health for vulnerable people in our communities nationwide.”
Dan Roth, M.D.
Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, Trinity Health